Thoughts on Storytelling and Connection


Authored by: Suzy Rounce, Switchback Creative

Have you ever thought about the value of storytelling and the emotional impact it has on your organization and your culture as a whole? Storytelling and leadership go hand in hand. People say that leaders are often visionaries, often are big picture thinkers who can see things that don’t exist yet. That is true and is often the case, but it doesn’t mean that those same people know how to capture that idea into a story that is relatable, inspiring and emotionally connected. That takes work and craftsmanship. We can each influence change more by highlighting the connection of our vision to a relatable story.

I will share a few ways you can do that but first let’s start with why stories are important. Why do we connect with them in such a fundamental way? Stories are entertainment, they are satisfying a thirst in our soul. Stories were told on cave walls, around campfires, in classrooms and in books, movies, theatres and dozens of other ways.

“A great story transforms day to day living, inner and outer life, dream and actuality into a poem whose rhyme scheme is events rather than words, a two hour metaphor that says: Life is like this!” – R. McKee

In other words stories are memorable. Very memorable. They are a tool we should be utilizing.

If someone was to ask you right now what your story is, what would you say? Once you tell your story is it clear how your company and brand reflect that? Do people know that there is so much more below the surface, bubbling and waiting to come to the surface? Do they know what you stand for – the values and solutions you can share with them.

You might be saying to yourself - why should people know what is in my soul when ultimately I just want an efficient team and more customers to know about my stuff. The truth is marketing and storytelling are the same thing. One might feel challenging and unapproachable (marketing) while the other one might feel insightful and inspiring (storytelling).

Storytelling is one of the oldest forms of passing on knowledge. Much of how we look at what we like to call facts is influenced by stories and how we’ve interpreted them. Think about that… what we consider factual is influenced by how well the story was told.

We want you to use this power for good, not evil, here are a few ways you can do that.

FIND YOUR FAN BASE: create a following and be genuine and authentic in all that you do. You have something important to say, so say it clearly. Know your brand inside and out and why your fans connect with it.


1. Set up the situation your audience is facing. Show that you understand where they are now and where they want to be instead.

2. Chronicle the tension your audience faces. Outline the pain they feel and tell them what will happen if they don’t act now.

3. Offer a resolution to their pain. Paint the picture of what their life could be like if they act, change and take your guidance. Be sure to include exactly what they need to do next. What is the call to action – the next step that they need to take. If the story is compelling enough it should feel like a no brainer to make the next move. 

NEVER BE THE HERO IN THE STORY YOU ARE TELLING. People want to be the hero in their own story, in their own life. You need to show them how you can guide them to where they want to go. Show them how to be the hero, but don’t take that over for them. They need to know they have the control to take charge and solve their own problems as outlined in the acts.

DEFINE YOUR MANTRA OR MISSION. This should be sacred to you and something that is so powerful, impactful and spark so much imagination for you and your team that it will be what propels you from bed on a cold, dark morning to get at it. Craft something that is short, 3-4 words and totally exciting to everyone internally.

CLARIFY YOUR MESSAGE. THEN CLARIFY IT MORE. The human brain is drawn to clarity and away from confusion. We are all either too shallow or too complex with the way we describe what we do. Instead think about what problem you solve and how you can take away your ideal customer’s pain. What does that story sound like?

LOCK IN YOUR IDEAL CLIENT. Knowing who your avatar is in depth will help you define everything. From what you should use for vocabulary to visual cues, colours, fonts, marketing techniques and so much more. Know your client!

Why should you finish this article with a fierce determination to define and write your story? What is the point? Your job is to create connection. Your job is to create brand enthusiasts. Your job is to create the best group of fans that are loyal, excited and determined to share your story with others.

I’ll leave you with this question to ponder. If your organization never existed why would the world be worse off?

 Switchback Creative is for people who believe in the power of their company vision so strongly that they will do anything to share it with the world and connect with those they can help. The values that guide them are … BE CURIOUS, BE BRAVE, BE TRANSPARENT. The do this all with unyielding passion and a sense of adventure. Learn more about their team through the links below:

Stephanie Calver